
Tool Cool Range Slider

Responsive range slider with a rich set of settings, including pointers (knobs), vertical and horizontal slider, touch, mousewheel and keyboard support, range dragging, RTL support and many more features.

Read About Slider Use Cases

Example: 2 pointers

Example: 4 pointers

Example: Moving Tooltips

Example: Marks with Moving Tooltips

Example: Custom Data

Example: Themes

Example: Custom Syling

Example: Getting and Setting Values

Range Slider Use Cases

  • Use Cases

    E-commerce Websites For price filters, allowing customers to select a price range when searching for products.
    Data Visualization Dashboards For setting ranges on data to be displayed, such as date ranges or thresholds for metrics.
    Media Libraries For filtering media based on criteria like ratings, year of release, or duration
    Travel and Booking Sites For selecting price ranges for flights, hotels, or rental services.
    Online Forms and Surveys Where users might need to indicate a range of preferences or values.
    Real Estate Platforms For filtering properties by price range, size, or other numeric attributes.
    Financial and Investment Platforms For setting ranges for investment amounts, risk levels, or interest rates.
    Health and Fitness Apps For users to set goals or limits on activities, calorie intake, or workout durations.
    Educational Tools For setting grade or score ranges in educational resources and testing platforms.
    Custom Product Builders For selecting dimensions, quantities, or other attributes within certain ranges.

Range Slider Attributes and Events

  • Attributes

    max Define slider maximum range. Default to 100.
    min Define slider minimum range. Default to 0.
    step You can adjust the slide step using the step attribute. By default, the step is undefined, but can be any positive integer.
    round You can control the number of decimal places using the round attribute. Its default value is two.
    pointers_values Define the value of pointers on the slider, separated by a comma.
    Example: "20,80" will draw 2 pointers on the slider with values 20 and 80.
    Example: "20,40,60,80" will draw 4 pointers on the slider with values 20, 40, 60, and 80.
    This attribute accepts a maximum of 5 pointers.
    rtl Boolean value. True for right to left support.
    data Instead of specifying a minimum and maximum to define the slider range, it’s possible to provide a list of individual values. The provided elements can be numbers, texts, or any combination of these.
    theme The slider has the following themes: target, glass, rect, circle, rainbow, ruler.
    range-dragging Boolean value. True to enable range dragging for a multi-pointer slider.
    moving-tooltip Boolean value. True adds a moving tooltip to each pointer. You can change the tooltip color, size, and distance to pointer.
    Define styling for moving-tooltip separated by comma.

    Properties: Default values:

    moving-tooltip-distance-to-pointer: 40
    moving-tooltip-width: 35
    moving-tooltip-height: 30
    moving-tooltip-bg: #475569
    moving-tooltip-text-color: #fff
    moving-tooltip-units: empty string
    moving-tooltip-units-type: empty string “” or “prefix”

    Example with default styling and without units: "40,35,30,#475569,#fff"

    marks Boolean value. True allows to generate points along the slider.
    Define styling formarks separated by comma.

    Properties: Default values:

    marks-count: 11
    marks-values-count: 11
    marks-color: #cbd5e1
    marks-values-color: #475569

    Example with default styling and without units: "11,11,#cbd5e1,#475569"

    styles-object Advanced styling and settings using object as attribute value.

    Example: click on formula and add object to the canvas. Add keys and values for advanced customization.

    Key: Value
    slider-bg: #CBD5E1
    slider-bg-hover: #94A3B8
    slider-bg-fill: #47

    You can change pointers colors using these keys: pointer-bg, pointer-bg-hover, and pointer-bg-focus. If you only want to color pointer 2 then use this keys: pointer2-bg, pointer2-bg-hover, pointer2-bg-focus.

    Full list of keys/values is coming soon.


    change It is sent every time the value of the range slider changes. If you save the event data to a toddle variable, you will get an object with all the values available on the slider. Note that value, value0, and value1 are synonyms for the first value.
    Object example with 2 pointers: {"values":20,80],"value":20,"value0":20,"value1":20,"value2":80}